Leadership Circus
Prakash Katoch.
happens only in India is a cliché well known. But, seeing Pervez Musharraf
featuring in a leadership summit recently on one of our national TV channels
proved beyond doubt that moolah (read TRPs) is all that matters and that the
fact that this johnny should be tried for war crimes in both India and Pakistan
has no meaning for the media as long as the TRPs are clocking.
only did Musharraf stab us in the back in Kargil, he has the blood of hundreds
of Indian soldiers on his hands. More importantly, he was heading the Pakistani
Army and is the man responsible for ignoring India’s official protests during the
Kargil War, when bodies of Indian prisoners of war returned by Pakistan showed
most heinous torture, brutality and mutilation in captivity before being shot
dead. Captain Saurabh Kalia and five other soldiers who were
captured by Pakistani forces on May 15, 1999 were brutally tortured for 22 long
days before they were shot, and their mutilated bodies delivered to India. Wikipedia says, “The
post-mortem revealed that the Pakistan army had indulged in the most heinous
acts; of burning their bodies with cigarettes, piercing ear-drums with hot
rods, puncturing eyes before removing them, breaking most of the teeth and
bones, chopping off various limbs and private organs of these soldiers besides
inflicting all sorts of physical and mental tortures before shooting them dead,
as evidenced by the bullet wound to the temple.” Similarly, Squadron Leader Ajay Ahuja, whose
MiG was shot down over Indian soil on May 27, 1999, was used for target
practice by Pakistani soldiers after he bailed out and opened his parachute. Despite
Indian protests, not one enemy soldier responsible for these acts was
officially identified by Pakistan and tried.

as in 2011, Musharraf somehow is able to sell to some Indians that he is the
only fellow who can control Pakistan and solve the J&K issue. How naïve can
we be? This conman makes some
believe that he plans getting back home, launch his own political party (Pasdaran-e-Pakistan) and try his luck a second
time to rule the crucible of terror. He apparently feels he can not only get
back home but become President of Pakistan once again. He would do well to read
up on Pakistan’s history where loyalty comes cropper at the opportune moment;
replaced by deceit and violence – remember what Zia-ul-Haq did to Zulfikar Ali
Bhutto, what Musharraf himself did to Nawaz Sharif and the manner in which the
assassination of Benazir Bhutto was orchestrated by Musharraf. The straight
fact is that should he get back to Pakistan, he will simply be bumped off, much
before the law can act on the warrant issued in his name.
During Musharraf’s presidency, when a young married lady
doctor was raped by an army captain, instead of instituting an inquiry into the
incident, Musharraf tells reporters that the woman has got herself raped in
order to obtain a visa to the US on sympathetic grounds. This too was covered
well in Pakistani and international media. The couple was eventually hounded
out of Pakistan. How do you question the level of morality of an individual if
there are no morals in the first place? His crowning act was telling global
audiences on the electronic media, “There is not a single terrorist on
Pakistani soil.” Do you need further proof of his hollowness?
Yet, on numerous occasions our media has described
Musharraf as “the best bet for India”. How can our perceptions be so coloured
and why are we unable to read his character. As a Lieutenant General, he made a
presentation to the Pakistani Ministry of Defence that Pakistan must annex
J&K reasoning that at the time of Partition, the per capita availability of
water in Pakistan was 6000 cusecs, which had already reduced to 1000 cusecs at
the time of the presentation. As the Army Chief, he repeatedly exhorted Benazir
Bhutto to let him annex J&K. As President, he was pointed in saying, “Even
if the Kashmir problem is resolved, Jihad against India will continue.” In his
autobiography “In the Line of Fire”, which he authored as the President of
Pakistan, he refers to India twice as “the most devious enemy” repeatedly. What
can you expect from such a fellow? How can he be the best bet for India?
Our venerable TV channel calls Musharraf for the Leadership Summit despite
him portraying himself as the champion of India’s Muslims during the India
Today Conclave of 2009 but receiving a mouthful from Maulana Madani who gives him
a shut up call, telling him to mind his own business and leave the Muslims of
India alone.
It was also pathetic to see the recent TV interview featuring Musharraf
and Jaswant Singh on Bloomburg TV with Musharraf smugly talking of ‘demilitarization’
and Jaswant Singh nonchalant about it.
It would be prudent on part of our august TV channel to educate itself on
something called ‘self esteem’. On the other hand if TRPs is all that matter
then perhaps we would witness them inviting Hafiz Saeed or Dawood Ibrahim for
the Leadership Summit in 2013. As they say, it happens only in India !
The author is a highly decorated veteran Lieutenant General of Indian Army who has led commando operations and commanded Special Forces in war and anti-terrorist operations - all with enviable distinction. He has authored books and large number of articles on Military concepts, leadership, strategic and security related issues.
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