Karan Kharb
But peace
cannot be begged. To be
lasting, it has to be negotiated from a position of strength, honour, dignity
and abiding mutual trust. Therefore, the quality and duration of peace should
logically be dependent on the discretion of the more powerful of the two.
Having suffered several defeats and dismemberment at India’s hands, Pakistan
should seek peace more eagerly than India. Ironically and illogically, however,
it is India that has been always at the receiving end while Pakistan has been
getting away with her audacious mischiefs, outright anti-India tirade and
perpetrating attacks deep inside India through proxy squads of terrorists
trained, equipped and financed under a well organised military system. At last count, over 42 training academies – more mildly called
‘Camps’ – are currently running in Pakistan and POK even when, in a grotesque
development, some of India’s very own revered strategists including a former
Air Force Chief have been easily convinced by their Pakistani counterparts to
coax the Indian Army to depart from Siachen as a step towards peace. Called
‘Track II Forum’, they are a group of retired military brass from Pakistan and
India seeking ‘demilitarisation’ of Siachen Glacier, world’s highest
battlefield, dominantly held by Indian troops since 1984. Ever since, the
Pakistan Army has tried to dislodge the Indian troops and capture Siachen but in
Or is it the
other way round? Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was once quoted in India Today
(May 14, 2012) thus: "Siachen is called the highest battlefield, where
living is very difficult. Now the time has come that we make efforts that this
is converted from a point of conflict to the symbol of peace." The report
went on, “Sources in the Government say the Prime Minister has endorsed the
Siachen talks on demilitarisation. For him, they say, the world's highest
battlefield - and a snow-capped symbol of Indian Army's enduring
sacrifice-comes without the baggage of Jammu and Kashmir and forward movement
(read demilitarisation) would mean creating the right atmosphere for talks
derailed by the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks. Demilitarisation is his CBM (confidence
building measure) offer to Pakistan.” The Indian Military viewpoint has always
been unambiguous and steadfastly against any ‘demilitarisation’ of Siachen. The
Government, in all fairness, must respect and accept this professional opinion
from country’s Military Authorities responsible to defend these borders rather
than yielding to pressure or blackmail from invisible quarters.
What is
perplexing is that the proposal to demilitarise Siachen is said to have
germinated in secretive parleys among some very senior military veterans –
Indians and Pakistanis – organised as ‘Track II Forum’ under the aegis of
‘Atlantic Council of Ottawa’ and ‘Atlantic Council of US’ (latter headed by
Shuja Nawaz – a close confidant of Gen Kiyani) at exotic locales in the world.
The Forum flaunting themselves as angels of Peace, promise to replace
animosities and age-old trust deficit between India and Pakistan with peace,
friendship and cooperation. ‘Demilitarisation’, a euphemism for ‘withdrawal’ or
‘abandonment’ of Siachen by India, is the first step they have proposed while
remaining quiet on far more serious issues affecting daily life of millions of
people on both sides of the border.
Siachen at
an altitude of 22000 ft has nothing to sustain life. All it has is scarce
oxygen, chilly winds, icy gorges, debilitating fog, sleet, snow and temperature
sinking to minus 50 degree Celsius. No birds fly there, no plants grow, no
flowing streams – only frozen glaciers, no life whatsoever! Yet, the gallant
Indian soldiers stand here to keep vigil throughout the glacial expanse in
sheer defiance to nature and enemy. Even in these adversities, Indian troops
holding these dominating heights enjoy a tactical advantage which renders it
impossible for the Pakistan Army to wrest control of ‘key terrain features’ in
this area by fighting. But Indian occupation of these features denies Pakistan
Army the freedom to encroach into Indian territory and stake claims
subsequently as is evident by Pakistan’s persistence on delineating the LC from
NJ 9842 to Karakoram Pass. The Track II
‘demilitarisation’ proposal, therefore, is Pakistan Army’s silent attack by
other nobler looking means to capture strategically important objective in the
region. If this were not so, why are they ignoring to address a host of other
higher priority issues hampering normalisation process? Siachen being a
desolate uninhabitable tract has no bearing on trade, industry, transport or
any other human activity to affect life in Pakistan. Why then is it given such
a prominence for normalising relations between the two nations? Since early 2004, even the opposing
forces of the two countries have remained largely quiet in this region. Why
should a quiet, tranquil Siachen be a cause of anxiety to Pakistan at this
stage? Far from being an innocuous peace drive, the move is loaded with
Pakistan’s strategic move to unhinge and upturn Indian defences in the region
without military manoeuvre.
The vital strategic significance of Siachen is further
heightened when viewed in relation to the LC that should justifiably run north
from NJ 9842 to the vicinity of the Wakhan Corridor, the western extremity of
the original State of J&K ceded to India by the Maharaja genuinely and
legally, as also the proximity of Shaksgam Valley illegally ceded by Pakistan
to China.
Also, it is
the strategic value of these dominating heights that stand between a Pak-China
link-up. There are rumours that part of
upper Gilgit-Baltistan has been leased by Pakistan to China for a period of 50
years. Presence of Chinese troops and
labour in the Baltik region lend
substance to these inputs. Imagine a
geography that would conjoin Xingjiang, Shaksgam, POK (Baltistan), Aksai Chin
and Tibet while Siachen is left bereft of Indian troops. If and when that
happens, it would be tantamount to ceding areas north of Khardung La range to
Pakistan putting life in the Nubra and Shyok Valleys at their mercy and opening
floodgates for unhindered infiltration into Ladakh. Indian positions in Ladakh,
Leh and Kargil would also be under serious jeopardy. Siachen in its present
state stands formidably to deny Pakistan and China such strategic advantages
besides asserting India’s sovereign authority over her territory in the region
where border, LC or AGPL is yet to be authenticated.
If they were
indeed promoting peace and friendship between India and Pakistan, there were
other urgencies and priorities that should have caught the attention of Track
II Forum. Siachen is not
harming Pakistan in any way yet, whereas the terrorist training camps in
Pakistan have been bleeding India. The Forum is strangely quiet on this issue.
Why are they also not asking Pakistan to expatriate the terrorists and
criminals wanted for their crimes in India and now roaming about freely and
honourably in Pakistan? Why are they not seeking an undertaking from the
Pakistani authorities to stop anti-India tirade at international forums?
‘demilitarisation’ of Siachen were logical and prudent in the Track II
reckoning, there would be no logic or prudence for India to hold geographical
features anywhere along the Line of Control by the same reckoning. With
in-house calls for withdrawal of Armed Forces Special Powers Act from Jammu
& Kashmir already gaining eloquence, it is not impossible to foresee that
vacating Siachen would ultimately trigger a demand for the Indian Army to
‘demilitarise’ J&K. By
that corollary China would perhaps be the first to seek ‘demilitarisation’ of
Arunachal Pradesh. It seems Track II Forum has big future and can plan their
exotic jaunts in style!
Some Indian
delegates in the Track II Forum are ducking questions and, bereft of argument,
some of them brazenly conclude saying, “Siachen demil……… it is my personal opinion?
You may agree or disagree with it but in my retired capacity, I am free to
express whatever I feel!” That is sad and grossly wrongly held notion. Agreed
that retirement frees you from the rules and norms that restricted your ‘free
and frank’ expression, but the position you held before demitting office has
given you an identity and status that conveys credibility and influences public
opinion. Personal opinions of personalities who become publicly recognisable
should not be loosely tossed around under the plea of one’s fundamental rights.
Even on retirement, military leaders cannot relinquish in life their commitment
to ‘the safety, honour and welfare’ of their country and violation of this
Chetwodian virtue should be viewed most seriously. The Track II proposal to
‘demilitarise’ (which actually means abandoning) Siachen is not only wrong but
a treacherous proposal that smacks of some conspiracy hatched to inflict
significant damage through apparently innocuous means and cunning machinations.
entire Indo-Pak border and Line of Control/Actual Ground Position Line should
be demilitarised. Maybe one day it will happen too. Perhaps by now both the
countries would have achieved such good neighbourliness only if Pakistan had
not betrayed India’s trust every time we moved closer to peace and friendship.
Given the history of frequent betrayals, infiltration, cross border terrorism
and Kargil, India would vacate Siachen at her own peril. Pakistan cannot afford
to evict the Indian Army from its dominating positions at the Earth’s highest
battlefield militarily. Track
II strategy therefore is a conspiracy hatched by Pakistan co-opting Indian
veterans and journalists under the aegis of so-called Atlantic Council of
Ottawa to make their sinister scheme appear transparent, non-partisan and
credible to evict Indian troops from Siachen which Pakistan needs desperately
but cannot snatch it from India by force. An Army that is used to planning and
executing coups to topple governments seems to have also perfected yet another
art of launching quiet warfare in the garb of cool diplomacy to evict the
Indian Army from its defences! It is therefore highly expedient for the India
Army to consider and include such unconventional machinations and ‘diplomatic
manoeuvrings’ as factors while planning war-games to be able to see beyond what
looks apparent in our enemy's posturing.
Logic given is to forget the past and move forward. Yes, we should move forward,----- but NOT BY SELLING INDIAN INTERESTS. But the foremost thing is can we trust Pakistan? While Vajpayee and Nawaz Sharief were talking peace in February 1999, Pakistan Military was planning Kargil. Now where would you move in such a trust deficit? All the members of Track II from the Indian side, have no idea of what Siachen is? Late Gen ZIA Ul Haque had chided India in 1985 that NOT A BLADE OF GRASS GREW IN SIACHEN. if so, then why is Pakistan asking for its demilitarisation? simple, because, Siachen overlooks KHUNJERAB PASS through which Highway to Sinkiang province passes. It is an overhang over Hunza and Gilgit agency. Therefore, solution to Siachen can not be in isolation of Kashmir Solution----- in fact it must be part of Kashmir solution and NOT DE- Linked from Kashmir---- as is being done by Pakistan. Reason----- because there are 12000 or more Chinese troops in Hunza -Skardu-Gilgit area-----to protect KARAKORAM HIGHWAY or move into Kashmir, should there be a conflict with China. Siachen threatens to cut them off , should they make such a move. Why should Kayani delink it from Kashmir issue? Pakistan is currently at a disadvantage and overlooked by India. Conditions might be harsh; there might not be a blade of grass------ but Indian army has mastered the conditions and now it gives advantages strategically. Fact is SIACHEN IS A WALL BETWEEN KARAKORAM HIGHWAY AND AKSAICHIN. Therefore , the demilitarization of Siachen is NOT the idea of Pakistan but China, which our Track II diplomats are not trying to understand because they have no idea of Siachen----- only interested in china sponsored shopping bonanzas in exquisite locales around the world.
Shouldn't we think, if it was to DEMILITARISED, WHY WAS IT OCCUPIED IN FIRST PLACE? What about those soldiers who lost their limbs ? Would it go waste? Sure, late General ZIA Ul Haque of Pakistan would pat his back and say what fools these Indians were----- they incapacitated or killed thousands of their soldiers for a place WHERE NOT A BLADE OF GRASS GROWS!
In the extreme winters of 1986-87, when Operation TRIDENT was in the offing, I was at SIALA COMPLEX, Northern most tip of the Glacier at 20,000 feet, for SIX MONTHS----- three months beyond the scheduled posting of officers. I doubt if all these BARGAINERS and WRITERS OF Siachen know anything about it.
We must understand that SIACHEN can not be de- linked from Kashmir issue.
ReplyDeleteFurther to my earlier comments, I believe Siachen was being negotiated by TRACK II indian diplomats, a conglomerate of some NAVAL, AIRFORCE, SIGNALS, ENGINEERS AND ARMED CORPS OFFICERS, with Pakistan. WHAT MORE , MOST OF THEM HAVE NOT BEEN ANYWHERE IN THE 100 KMs RADIUS OF SIACHEN!
Isn,t it a laughable matter? Now the Track II stalwarts have gone to discuss Afghanistan-----my only advice is , don,t get carried away by American thought process. I hear a big talk of INDO - US strategic partnership----- can,t we learn a lesson from Pakistan experiences----- whoever joins hands with USA becomes totally dependent on USA and useless------USA follows "USE & THROW" policy in her strategic relations. India be cautioned. We might get carried away because our current interests merge with USA on China ----- that,s why we are being pampered by USA----- but we must develop capability to stand on our own ----- possibly with regional partners. What says Karan? Do you allow people like me to post articles here , Karan? I have one on China,s India Strategy------ another one on Need for PREPAREDNESS to fight a THREE FRONT WAR.