Pritish Nandy
(Pritish Nandy, a Padma Sri laureate, is a renowned figure in Indian media, politics and public life. He is admired, respected and even feard for his sharp, pointed yet objective and pragmatic opinion on major national issues. His expression of concern, caution and anguish at the fast degenerating standards of Indian polity and failing governance should make every Indian sit up and take note before the ship wrecks and sinks).

I like Manmohan Singh. He has immaculate credentials. It’s these credentials that have seen the UPA through its most stormy years. If Singh wasn’t Prime Minister, the Government would have collapsed a long time back. No, not because of its inherent coalition contradictions but because it’s simply not possible for so many crooks with conflicting agendas to loot the country together, almost as if in perfect unison. The Indian Political Philharmonic Orchestra must be the world’s most amazing cacophony of rogues, rascals and robbers. Luckily for the UPA, there was always Singh to fall back on. Most middle class Indians refuse to be cynical. We know exactly what’s happening around us, we criticise it constantly, but when it comes to the crunch we all rally around the nation and the flag.
We are not bat-brained paranoids. Neither are we wide-eyed
innocents ready to buy into every ridiculous explanation thrown our way to
explain the loot that’s taking place in broad daylight. But the latest season
of scams has flummoxed all. This is not just Alibaba and his chaalis chors. Everyone
among the chaalis chors is another Alibaba with his own forty thieves. That’s
the way the pyramid of crime operates today. But because Singh, soft spoken and
self effacing, is the face of this Government,
India has kept faith.But now, enough is enough. Neither Singh nor Pranab
Mukherjee, nor anyone else is capable any more of saving this Government. It’s
neck deep in its own sticky sleaze. What’s worse, you haven’t seen anything yet.
All these scams are but the tip of the iceberg. Talk to anyone and you will get
an instant dhobi list of scams in queue to break. No, I am not saying this.
Congress leaders are, in private.

It’s a scary scenario that could turn the land of the Mahatma into one gigantic
Gotham City with a flyover to hell. But my question is more basic: Can we trust
these idiots to run this great nation?
If you travel and meet people across India, you will realise that for every scam that breaks—and currently there’s one breaking every week—there are ten more waiting in line. The media has never had it so good! And it’s the same gang whose names keep coming up. Kalmadi, Satish Sharma, Sant Chatwal, Ashok Chavan. The NCP lot. The DMK. And everyone, in private, is protesting his own innocence, pointing fingers at someone else. It’s a sure sign of a collapsing regime. It’s what happened when Rajiv with a staggering majority in parliament lost his mandate to govern. Rats alone don’t leap off a sinking ship. So do everyone else. So even though Singh, like Pontius Pilate, may wash his hands off every scam that hits the headlines, the fact is: The longer this Government stays, the more compromised the Congress will be, and the less capable of coming back to power.
If you travel and meet people across India, you will realise that for every scam that breaks—and currently there’s one breaking every week—there are ten more waiting in line. The media has never had it so good! And it’s the same gang whose names keep coming up. Kalmadi, Satish Sharma, Sant Chatwal, Ashok Chavan. The NCP lot. The DMK. And everyone, in private, is protesting his own innocence, pointing fingers at someone else. It’s a sure sign of a collapsing regime. It’s what happened when Rajiv with a staggering majority in parliament lost his mandate to govern. Rats alone don’t leap off a sinking ship. So do everyone else. So even though Singh, like Pontius Pilate, may wash his hands off every scam that hits the headlines, the fact is: The longer this Government stays, the more compromised the Congress will be, and the less capable of coming back to power.

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